I’m super giddy right now.
Filled right to the brim with energy.
Kind of like champagne that’s been shaken up in a bottle and the cork is
stuck. Why do I feel this way? I’ve stumbled upon a secret. The secret to the universe as it were. I seriously feel like I’ve just unlocked the
mystery of this thing we call life.
And before you go on and say “good grief Kelsey, you became
a Christian a long time ago”, that’s
not what I mean.
It’s much simpler than that.
And it all comes down to this: relationships.
We were created—from dust or a rib bone or however—for
relationships. That’s it. Period. Amen.
We weren’t created to learn the alphabet, or to master our
times tables, or learn how to swim, or to memorize the Apostle’s Creed. Forget school, forget college, forget work—those
are all just time fillers.
No, we were made for each
Stop and ponder that a moment… how does this make you
feel? How does it make you feel to be so
tied to those around you? Your very essence
important because they too are important?
Not because of anything great you’ve ever accomplished; not because of
what great work you do; not because of the spotlight you’ve fashioned for
yourself. But because God created us to
be in community, His community.
I learned a new word this week, one that only makes sense if
you believe what I just told you. The
word comes from Zulu: Ubuntu. The
concept of Ubuntu can be boiled down to this punchline: I am because you are;
you are because I am.
Isn’t that beautiful?
At the end of life, you are going to look back and be
measured not by what you managed to accomplish while here on earth—no you are
going to be measured by your love and how you loved others. That’s it.
And guess what? We
were created for this! That means that to love is as natural as to
breathe. It isn’t something that can be
graded or taught—it’s ingrained in our very DNA.
Unfortunately, society today has made it so hard for us to
not only find our identity in love, but to be
that love. Individualism creates
barriers between me and you, keeping me from reaching out and loving the person
beneath all those layers of self-protection.
Society doesn’t want us to embrace the vulnerable—it wants us to buy
insurance plans so we never have to feel vulnerable!
And that is life’s greatest lie.
So I dare you today to love.
I dare you to trust your instincts and reach out to someone. I dare you to be who God created you to be.
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