Do you hear His voice?
In these past two weeks, my heart has felt the weight of
pain not my own. I have cried tears of
suffering, suffering that I myself did not experience. It physically hurt me to hear the story of
someone I love who endured not months but years
of neglect, to hear the pain in that rejection and loneliness. To hear the story of tragic loss as a mother
loses yet another child to the murderous power of the gangs in her neighborhood. To hear the shaking voice of a man sharing
his story of losing 21 members of his family in one day to a landslide, one man
among many who lost loved ones that day.
To hear the agony in the voice of a close friend who suffered physical
and sexual abuse as a small child from those who were supposed to protect her
and love her. To hear of a young soul
who could no longer bear the weight of the world and so tragically cut his own
life short. Story after story after
In those moments, I could do nothing. I could not comfort them. I could not bring back their loved ones. I could not heal them, make their lives whole
again, give them peace. In my completely
helplessness, I could do nothing but obey the Spirit and weep with my fellow
brothers and sisters.
Do you know what word kept running through my mind as I heard
these stories? Immanuel. Literally God with us. I AM
WITH YOU, His voice whispered to
me. I
Really, God? You were
there? In those moments when your children
needed you most, you were there?
Where? You didn’t save them. You didn’t wipe away their tears. You didn’t protect them from the rivers of mud,
from the gun’s bullet, from the abusive hands.
You didn’t. So how can you say
you were there??
Because He was
there, even when we didn’t have the eyes to see Him.
Every beating, every abandonment, every loss, every death—God
felt every single one of those. In those
intense moments of hurting, God hurt too.
That’s what Immanuel means. Not
God by us, not God around us, not God above us or beneath us… No. God
with us: “…whatever you do to the least of these, you
do to me” (paraphrase of Matt. 25:40). None
of us was ever alone. Ever.
I don’t know why but this gives me such Hope. “In Christ we
see God suffering – for us. And calling us to share in God’s suffering love for
a hurting world. The small and even overpowering pains of our lives are
intimately connected with the greater pains of Christ. Our daily sorrows are
anchored in a greater sorrow and therefore a larger hope” (Henri Nouwen). Our suffering ties us not only to God in an
unbreakable bond, but also to others around us who are suffering as well. We are led to lives of great
compassion, literally "to suffer
with", to seek out the outcast, the hurting, the persecuted, the lonely
and to bear their burden with them,
recognizing that this is “the way to the truth that we are most ourselves, not
when we differ from others, but when we are the same” (Henri Nouwen). We are called to solidarity, to
togetherness, with our brothers and sisters.
We weep with our weeping brethren; we rejoice when they rejoice; we are
because they are.
And we are because HE IS, right here with us.
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