Tuesday, January 27, 2015


I happen to have a very good friend, someone on whom I rely a lot.  We meet as often as time allows, daily if at all possible.  In fact, sometimes while we’re meeting I’m thinking about the next time we’ll meet.  Our friendship to say the least is very strong.

And then there are the times where I get set up and our meeting is ruined.   Or our meetings get cut short.  Or I just can’t focus on what we’re saying.  Or our conversations take a left-turn down crazy lane.  In those moments, I’m not really sure about how I feel about our relationship.

Ok, I’ll stop playing.  My friend’s name is Sleep.  And sometimes, Sleep ignores my beautiful courting as if I’m nothing more than a whisper in the wind. 

Yesterday was one of those days.  For whatever reason, I startled awake from a dead sleep, all sorts of confused.  I lean over to check the time on my phone and IT WON’T TURN ON!  Ok, so a fleeting moment of panic there.  You see, my phone doubles as my alarm clock.  And on Mondays I need to be awake bright and early for a big day of work.  Anyway, it appears that my phone felt the need to die on me in the middle of the night with no forewarning.  I hop out of bed, blind as a bat and manage to find my phone charger and plug it back it.  The phone turns on: 3:00am flashes before my eyes.  Ugh.  My heart is now racing and the chances of me falling back to the sweet embrace of Sleep are, well, none.  They were none.  I lay there, willing myself to fall asleep but my efforts were all for naught.  My ears found all the nightnoises intriguing: cats meowing, mice and iguanas crawling on our roof, the occasional car driving by, my cat doing God-knows-what out in the living room, the constant purr of my fan, the ticking of the clock in the hallway… basically everything.  4:30 rolls by with a series of frantic buzzing.  The source: my phone.  It appears that on Sunday I was meant to receive 7 text messages, all of which mysteriously got lost in the technoverse and eventually found their way back to me.  At 4:30 in the morning. 
My host dad snaps a picture of me
sleeping on our way to Managua

And then my alarm goes off at 5 to wake me up for a beautiful Monday full of work in Managua.  Sigh. 

4 hours of transit, 4 meetings, and 4 coffees later I was finally back home in Leon and oh so ready for my nightly meeting with Sleep. 

I’m proud to say our meeting went well J

Stay tuned!

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