Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Snowflakes and Twinkly Lights

The cold and windy season has arrived here in Costa Rica.  Each night I bundle up in my sweatpants, sweatshirt and a cup of tea—it’s 60 degrees outside :)

Christmas music fills every store and up and down our street Christmas lights twinkle and shine from many houses.  We even have paper snowflakes hanging up in our windows, compliments of our tutoring kids :)  Christmas is on its way and yet, without the foreboding gift of snow, it hasn’t quite sunk in yet that it is the second week in December.  I guess palm trees and a sunburn would confuse any Michigander!

This week has been hectic to say the least, preparing for the departures of many here at the house (including my own) and planning events and activities for the holiday season and enjoying birthday celebrations.  

Arts and craft time for tutoring
Next week, we are throwing a Christmas fiesta here at the house for all of our tutoring kids!  It should be a fun night with a talent show, decorating Christmas cookies, and watching a movie :)  A lot needs to be done yet in preparation for this so please pray that those of us in charge here persevere and cross off every item on the to-do list.  Behind every good party there is someone who’s planned it all—I encourage you all to take the time this Christmas to give a big hug to anyone who fills this role :)

Sunset on the beach
Amidst the chaos of living and working here, God has blessed me with things to brighten my day.  This weekend it was my roommate Guissell’s birthday and so, in celebration, a group of us girls here (Jim and Ruth’s three daughters, Rachel, and I) treated her to a day at the beach!  It was knock-my-socks-off beautiful, with bright blue skies, a gentle breeze, plenty of palm trees, and crystal clear water (not to rub it in too much to those of you who have that fluffy dandruff covering your front lawns)!  It was a beautiful day that gave us the opportunity to not only have fun but also relax before the busy week ahead of us.  

Throughout the day, Psalm 19 kept popping into my head:

“The heavens declare the glory of God,
The skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
Night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
Their words to the ends of the world...”
Psalm 19: 1-4a (NIV)

Walking on the beach after sunset
Every day in the world around me, I see the Artist’s message and am humbled that my eyes can see, that my ears can hear, that my heart can believe.  Please pray that I don’t lose this focus, that I don’t forget who is at the center of everything.  Also, please pray that all of our eyes, ears, and hearts will be opened to the message God has for us. 

I know it’s only Tuesday but I can already feel the week passing before my eyes!  I’m sure I’ll have great stories to tell for next week.  I’ll close with my favorite Irish blessing:  “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”  Stay tuned!

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