Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Seek Justice, Love Mercy

Huh…  3 months have passed already… Doesn’t it feel like I just left?  What has impacted me the most in my short time here, you might ask?  Honestly, I can’t pick just one thing.  But I will mention one thing that has stuck in my mind, one thing that is constantly simmering on my thinking stove: that of justice.  Each day I am shown not only what blessings I have in my life but also the people around me who have been robbed of such blessings: a family of seven living together in a cardboard and tin shack, a veteran missing his legs and living in his wheelchair on the streets, a man who’s brother was murdered by a gang, a daughter separated from her mother due to immigration and the hope of a better life—these are the people upon whom justice has not served.  And these are the very people God calls us to search out, to lend a hand, and most of all to love.  I think David got it right when he wrote:

“O Lord, you will hear the desire of the meek; you will strengthen their heart, you will incline your ear to do justice for the orphan and the oppressed, so that those from earth may strike terror no more.”
Psalm 10: 17-18 (NRSV)

God has given us the mandate to help those who are forgotten, to love those who are shunned, and to embrace those who are deserted.  I challenge not only myself but everyone to pray that every day God will lead us to do just this, to see this fallen world through the loving eyes of our Father and to seek justice in our every action. 

Yoga lesson!
Yesterday we had our big Christmas Party for our tutoring kids, a huge fiesta complete with games, a skit, a yoga lesson, Christmas cookie decorating, a talent show, and a movie :)  In all, 14 of our kids came!  Let me tell you, we had our hands full!  But we also had extra hands to help out too—Jim and Ruth’s son Jonathan and his girlfriend Gina arrived on Sunday and two of our friends, Susanna and Daniela, came to help out too.  I am so grateful for the extra help we had, especially in making 84 snowflake, gingerbread man, and Christmas tree sugar cookies as well as the homemade frosting to go with it!  Even though it was a lot of work, the reward of seeing their joy in just having fun was enough for me—I’d do it all over again if I had to.  Ok, maybe not today or anything… give me a few days to catch my breath and then we can do it again :)

Decorating cookies :)
So, I leave tomorrow.  I leave behind great weather (no seriously, GREAT weather), the Costa Rican laidback and take-it-as-it-comes culture, the Spanish language, fresh fruit and coffee every morning for breakfast, and the train that wakes me up in the wee hours every morning.  But more than that, I leave behind a great group of friends that I’ve made here.  I think that’s the thing I’ll miss most: being unconditionally welcomed into a culture (more than one culture for that matter) in which I so clearly do not belong, being hugged and kissed in greeting by friends and strangers alike, and just in general feeling like I’m “another one of the family.”  It has been a struggle, I’ll admit, to find my place and to figure out where I fit.  But by the grace of God, I’ve successfully wedged myself into this family and into this place :) Let’s just say I can’t wait to see what next year has in store for me!

So today will be filled with bittersweet goodbyes as we all go our separate ways for the holidays.  But I can look forward to tomorrow and to setting foot on familiar soil (hopefully none of that nasty white stuff) and seeing the not-so-tan faces of my friends and family :)  And so I’ll close with God’s blessing to Jacob at Bethel:

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land.  I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” Genesis 28:15 (NIV)

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Snowflakes and Twinkly Lights

The cold and windy season has arrived here in Costa Rica.  Each night I bundle up in my sweatpants, sweatshirt and a cup of tea—it’s 60 degrees outside :)

Christmas music fills every store and up and down our street Christmas lights twinkle and shine from many houses.  We even have paper snowflakes hanging up in our windows, compliments of our tutoring kids :)  Christmas is on its way and yet, without the foreboding gift of snow, it hasn’t quite sunk in yet that it is the second week in December.  I guess palm trees and a sunburn would confuse any Michigander!

This week has been hectic to say the least, preparing for the departures of many here at the house (including my own) and planning events and activities for the holiday season and enjoying birthday celebrations.  

Arts and craft time for tutoring
Next week, we are throwing a Christmas fiesta here at the house for all of our tutoring kids!  It should be a fun night with a talent show, decorating Christmas cookies, and watching a movie :)  A lot needs to be done yet in preparation for this so please pray that those of us in charge here persevere and cross off every item on the to-do list.  Behind every good party there is someone who’s planned it all—I encourage you all to take the time this Christmas to give a big hug to anyone who fills this role :)

Sunset on the beach
Amidst the chaos of living and working here, God has blessed me with things to brighten my day.  This weekend it was my roommate Guissell’s birthday and so, in celebration, a group of us girls here (Jim and Ruth’s three daughters, Rachel, and I) treated her to a day at the beach!  It was knock-my-socks-off beautiful, with bright blue skies, a gentle breeze, plenty of palm trees, and crystal clear water (not to rub it in too much to those of you who have that fluffy dandruff covering your front lawns)!  It was a beautiful day that gave us the opportunity to not only have fun but also relax before the busy week ahead of us.  

Throughout the day, Psalm 19 kept popping into my head:

“The heavens declare the glory of God,
The skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
Night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
Their words to the ends of the world...”
Psalm 19: 1-4a (NIV)

Walking on the beach after sunset
Every day in the world around me, I see the Artist’s message and am humbled that my eyes can see, that my ears can hear, that my heart can believe.  Please pray that I don’t lose this focus, that I don’t forget who is at the center of everything.  Also, please pray that all of our eyes, ears, and hearts will be opened to the message God has for us. 

I know it’s only Tuesday but I can already feel the week passing before my eyes!  I’m sure I’ll have great stories to tell for next week.  I’ll close with my favorite Irish blessing:  “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Of Kings and Things

December: the month of snow (well for some of us), of eggnog, of Christmas carols, of final exams, of Christmas break, of Jesus’ birth.  I can’t believe it’s here already!  Where has the time gone?  `

This past week we had a visitor stay with us: Irma.  Irma is a student from the States (Wheaton in Chicago) and is currently conducting research on Nicaraguan immigration to Costa Rica.  Graciously, Irma let us travel around town this week and sit in on some of her interviews, from personal migration experiences to the more legal end of immigrating.  One of these days, Irma, Guissel, Rachel and I accompanied her to a poorer community known as La Carpio, a place where “they’ll take even your shoes”—basically, we were told it is not a safe place.  What a strong stereotype this is!  The reality is that it is no more dangerous than any other city but because of the many Nicaraguan immigrants who live there, the stereotype is amplified.  We met a woman there who worked in the community and with several different committees who worked in La Carpio and it was obvious she loved the place.  She showed us around her town and introduced us to her people and we sampled traditional Nicaraguan food (cheese and homemade tortillas)—in all it was a great experience and a great eye opener into the life of Nicaraguan immigrants :)  And then later in the week we went to the only Starbucks in the country (located in what we call little USA or Gringolandia) for the first time and were flabbergasted to think how La Carpio and little USA could exist side by side… such is the world we live in huh?

From left: Guissel, Rachel, Luli, Stephanie (bride), Tali, Chabe, Me, Rodrigo (groom)
On Monday I had lost my voice and progressively throughout the week I got sicker and sicker.  By Thursday my nose was a faucet and I was coughing constantly and by Friday I stayed in bed hibernating all day.  My goal: I had to be better by Saturday (the next day) because we were going to a wedding and I was performing in a skit for the reception.  So I slept and I slept.  I’m thankful to say I’m pretty sure it worked because I had my voice on Saturday and was only coughing once in a while instead of every other minute :)   And what a beauty the wedding turned out to be!  Stephanie and Rodrigo, two good friends of the family here, got married up in the mountains on Whitworth’s college campus—views of the mountains and small lakes surrounded us and the sunny weather held throughout the outdoor ceremony.  Simply put it was picturesque.  And it was the most relaxed wedding I have ever been in!  I’ve decided that relaxed weddings are the way to go people :)  And for the reception, I performed with the other girls here (Rachel, Guissel, Luli, Chabe, and Tali) in a skit about a warrior marrying a princess.  I was the king and, if I may brag a moment, kicked butt at my solo!  It was a great skit and made everyone laugh—boo-yah, gold star for the day.  After the wedding, we enjoyed the rest of the talent show/reception, food, and walking around campus and taking in the great views.  A beautiful day with a beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple :)

So this week marks the beginning of December, the beginning of Lent, and the beginning of my last couple weeks here before I come home for Christmas.  All I can say is that there’s a lot I’ve got to do!  Please pray for energy, perseverance, and a joyful attitude for everyone.  Stay tuned!