It’s been three weeks since I came home and I’ve finally
remembered why winter is my least favorite season. For one, my body apparently is broken and has
absolutely no idea how to keep me warm—forget heat conservation! My hands and feet are in a permafrost
situation, icy to the touch no matter how many mittens I’m wearing. I could be wearing my warmest sweater and a
scarf and holding a hot coffee and my hands will still be frozen. It’s a curse.
On top of that, I forgot how much West Michigan suffers from
cloudy days. The sun’s MIA status has
really been wearing me down—I’m always tired, I lack the energy to get out of
bed, and I might also be a tad moodier than I’d wish to be. Sun, sun, please come back so I may bask in your
golden presence.
Winter is also the time of year that starts out with a BANG!
and then quite suddenly becomes dreary for a very long time. Think about how exciting December was—coming off
the coattails of Thanksgiving, happiness and holiday music was in the air, the
promise of good times to be had for all.
People looked forward to the upcoming vacation time, the family
reunions, the gifts under the tree, the White Christmas. Great food and laughter was abundant. Then the New Year hit and here we are, half
way through January and it’s back to the same old same old. What do we have to look forward to? Occasional snow days maybe. But that’s about it.
Thankfully, God knew this winter would be tough on me. And so he’s padded my life with some extra
comfort to help me out a little. I have
a wonderful family who all live nearby and who can make me laugh in ways no one
else can. I have an amazing boyfriend
who for whatever reason is thrilled to just spend time with me and treat me to
coffee dates. I have an amazing group of
friends who are skilled at finding ways to enjoy life. And I have a God who knows me inside and out,
a God on whom I can rely upon no matter my circumstances. Yes, winter may be hard, but God has made it
special in ways that continue to surprise me.
So, if you see me shivering a bit from cold or perhaps a
mite crankier than normal, feel free to hug me or something :)