I have a love-hate relationship with fans. Without them I could quite possibly die. But they sure do make my life miserable. The constant barrage of warm-hot air assaults
my poor baby skin and causes it to resemble a dried up lake-bed. My hair, not strong enough to resist the
fan’s power, whips back and forth in an infinitely annoying manner. My eyes, victims of constant air bombardment,
lack the proper lubrication to make them happy.
The dust sails through the air at my face causing me to be attacked by
all sorts of allergens and infectious diseases.
The never-ending hum-drum of the rotating propellers is enough of a
lullaby to woo you into a deep slumber at night… OR the never-ending hateful
din is enough to keep you from sweetly dreaming. It’s always a toss-up.
Then again, the fan sends enough air movement my way to
lightly brush the sweat gathered in various locations, offering a brief yet
satisfying respite from the heat waves of Hades’ realm. By no means is it a minty arctic kiss from
someone who’s just finished their York peppermint patty… but I’ll take it.
Which reminds me! I,
Kelsey Davies, am humbly asking everyone (yes you!) for your support in these
upcoming months. This petition is not
solely for money—I am also asking for emotional and spiritual support through
this time so that I can do my job well and finish out the year strong. I cannot do this without you—you are my
community and my family. Please send me
an email or Facebook me if you’re interested!
Stay tuned! More slightly annoying fundraising petitions and campaigns to follow... :)